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An Epic Novel. An Adventure in Consciousness.

Dublin, Ireland, 1 May 2012

Anthropologist and linguist Piera Sarasini today announced the launch of her first, unique full-length novel,

“Cassandra in the Mirror”.

Click to download the Press Release Document in Word.

Click to download the Press Release Document in PDF.

The Story

This book is an unusual fairytale about love and the human spirit, narrated in the poetic voice of Cassandra Morgante, who is part human and part stellar. She was born to fulfil a Prophecy and turn humankind into a race of immortal beings.


The story follows nineteen years of Cassandra’s life, from her student days in Edinburgh to adulthood in modern-day Ireland. She was adopted by Lord and Lady Hughes when she was eight, following the death of her parents. In the face of adversity, Cassandra remains aware of her true origin and the mission she must fulfil. Her powers begin to manifest when she is in her twenties, much to the very human dismay of her ego. When her path crosses that of Oscar O’Leary, a spiritual artist and secret initiate into the mysteries of the Earth, her true adventure starts and a new humanity becomes possible. The Ascended Masters are Cassandra’s powerful allies in her transformation into an eternal being. They live in the ethereal city of Shambhala and co-narrate her story. They know that she was chosen to introduce immortality to humankind. But many are sworn to stop this from happening. Mr Harker and the pharmaceutical giant Three-D are her main enemies. When her powers are almost fully fledged, Oscar falls prey to the Dark Side and deserts her. Cassandra becomes vulnerable to attacks from her opponents. The Masters’ Plan to turn the Earth into the Garden of Eden is in peril. Ultimately, only Oscar can help Cassandra achieve her mission. Will he?

Although the book is about a time-travelling romance spurred by an ancient prophecy, Cassandra and Oscar’s journey is surprisingly more human than it might sound from this preamble.

The Author

Piera Sarasini was born in 1968. She grew up in Brescia, Italy, and moved to the UK in 1987. She lived in London, Edinburgh and Belfast. Educated at the Chartered Institute of Linguists, London, and the Queen’s University, Belfast, she holds a Degree and Post Graduate Studies in Linguistics, Social Anthropology and Ethnomusicology. She moved to Ireland in 2000 and currently lives in Dublin.

For the past 20 years she has been working as a Chartered linguist, in-company Italian language instructor, professional literary and medical translator and Goddess Sessions Facilitator ( She has lectured in anthropology, ethnomusicology and visual studies at Queen’s University, Belfast, and NUI Maynooth and DBS in Dublin.

She is currently writing her second novel (working title: Escape from Humanity).

Contact Information



Ebook (EUR € 3.90):; Amazon, Barnes&Noble, WHSmith, iTunes, and more online point of sales in Europe and the US.
Paperback (EUR € 13.60); Amazon, Barnes&Noble
and more online catalogues in Europe and the US.


For more info click on the 'Buy the book' section of this website


Ms Kirsztina Mosdoczy, PR:


Piera Sarasini © 2015

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